-(;Rulers...;Attitude Grid...;Object Form...;Isaac Flags...;-( Align All;Align Attitude;Align Position Front;Back;Left;Right;Top;Bottom;From Object's View Return to World... Use Draw Grid;Polar Grid;Show Rulers -(;Rulers...;Attitude Grid...;Object Form...;Extrusion Depth...;-( Align Object;Object's View Object Position.../W;Object Attitude.../E;-( Redesign Object.../R;Create Skin Object;-( Object Redesign Object Design New Object Undo Lighting Change Undo Color Change Undo Palette Color Undo Form Change Undo World Move Undo Zoom Undo Undo Undo Edit Undo Paste Undo Link Undo Un-Link Undo Clear Undo Drawing Undo Null Undo Duplicate Undo New Object Undo Move Undo Halftone...;Page Setup...;Print.../P;-(;Quit/Q New/N;Open/O;Open Command File;-(;Close;Save/S;Save As...;Export File.../U ;Revert To Saved;-( File -(;Find.../F;Info... /6;Inherit.../I;Output Style...; -(;Paste Command /7;Paste Background /8;Clear Background /9;Copy Background /0 -(;Duplicate /D;Duplicate Link /L